Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ah you know you have been with your partner too long when....

• He calls you a T-Rex due to my inability to open those bloody heavy doors, Brad also pointed out the size of the T-Rex’s brain however if you have ever seen Land of the Lost that comment should greet you with some amusement.
• He project manages your exit from every location we have stopped out for more than 10 minutes ensuring I have not forgotten anything. (actually that last one has come in handy)

Items lost so far (and recovered).

Mobile phone (Portsmouth)
Mastercard (Princeton)
Newly purchased top (Helsinki)
Camera (Calgary)
Sunglasses (Portsmouth)

Information on travel times and places (which was later found in Christine’s handbag)
Watch (airport scanning in New York)

Sorry I have to post my poem on Tallinn, it’s so I can say that I am a published poet (its a private joke between Brad and I) we all know that Brad is the poet in the relationship. I am also hoping that nobody will notice me slipping this post in here. lol


The omnipresent walls close around
Stone, south, east and west shadow the town
Where smiling neighbours harbour greed
Coloured houses of storybook creed
Hide the fear within

Occupation worn like a thin cheap suit
Fashioned youth reject the bully and the brute
Alcohol and retail replace church and war
Foreigners trampling Tallinn like a whore
Awaken the greed within



  1. Hmmmm. Now I know what it is like to be subjected to Vogon poetry......

  2. I protest, I am not a mindlessly bureaucratic, aggressive slug with "as much sex appeal as a road accident" and my family still think that our relative Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings of Sussex, was harsly critisized.
