Sunday, September 5, 2010

Lost and Found

Christine's Post - Lost my camera – oops well I know where it is, does that count as lost? Left it on bus 142 seat 56 back pocket. $12 later in quarters that we had to beg, borrow and I almost stole to contact the bus company, I was told that they had found it and had sent it to some weird place nowhere near us. Anyway, great news the camera is on its way to us in New York for the 15/9 yippee, technically its done more travelling then us - In the meantime using the i-phone camera. Brad says I pull a certain face when I lose something, as that is almost every day he is pretty astute at picking up the signals. Brad on the other hand also has an expression that he uses when I think I have lost something. Mmm.
Brad's post - Yeah, well, I have been practicing adopting a neutral expression when those moments arise, but one would have to be some sort of ninja super spy to not allow a fleeting moment of frustration to appear on one's face when your significant other 'misplaces' her stuff on a daily basis! No matter though, you get to meet some lovely people, like the nice ladies at the bakery today who didn't steal Christine's sunglasses or iphone when she left them on the counter...


  1. Well guys that's a fantastic travelling tip so that you won't charged with excess the end of the tour you should just have your tickets to get.

    Why didn't I think of that sooner....

  2. Brad said he would be surprised if I still had tickets and undies. Naturally I questioned how I could loose my undies but after a 10 minute demo where I was in stiches I have to concur with him. Yes I am useless.
