Friday, August 6, 2010


Sorry to say that the flight upgrade didn't eventuate but for just a brief moment we thought "this is our lucky day" the plane was chokers (just love those red eye flights). The hotel is excellent great views, and guess what we got an upgrade, not sure why but "Frank" is my new best friend.

Its a hard life 4.30pm - 30c, beach 1 minute away, designer shops two blocks away, pool down stairs. Pleased to discover that I can still swim but suspect that its mostly due to body fat buoyancy (sorry Michael I tried but over the last 3 weeks I have been emotional binging and forgetting to purge). Anyway this is just a quick update to let you know we arrived and I guess this is day 1. Once Brad wakes from his Nana nap we are off for a romantic stroll (or shopping). Love CT


  1. Oh purge, that's what we are doing wrong. Damnit.
    So fricken cold here so enjoy your swim.

  2. I thought, that you were on holidays soaking other cultures so "when in Rome do as Romans." so you are in the US so eat like a pig you need to gain 300lbs by the time you get to the plane.

  3. Glad you arrived safe! Even if it was only in Cattle class.
    I agree with Rod (above) your on holidays, enjoy yourself! Lynda

  4. I am so jealous! It is cold and windy here and I have to work! Enjoy the beach, shopping and eating. Kath xoxo
